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02. Final Multi Criteria Evaluation: Valuable Salmon Stocks by Major Watershed


01. Multi Criteria Evaluation Layers


A. Estimated revenues at risk in the event of a spill.

B. Ecological index: relative ecological value by species.  Species ecological value is ranked by the  Committee on the status of endangered wildlife in Canada: COSEWIC,,  in a series of escalating scales of importance. I quantified these assuming that the ranking was linear, and multiplied the quantification by the estimated population of salmon in each watershed. 

C. Probability of a spill Using the legnth of the pipeline as a proxi for probability.

Note: all map projections:

PCS Albers, North American 1984

Enbridge Salmon Economics

A Spatial Environmental Impact Assessment, Multi Criteria Analysis

Tyler Hawkins, Geob. 370, Advanced GIS, UBC, Brian Klinkenberg.

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